"I am proud to have been associated with the Mahoney Family Fund since its inception. The most recent event, “Reducing Child Abuse by Rethinking Discipline” featured a panel of experts that provided a thoughtful and informative discussion on how to reduce child abuse."
State Senator Ed Kennedy
What You Can Do to help Reduce Child Abuse
Review the presentations and note any questions or thoughts and reach out to MM or to the speakers (list emails)
Become a NHZ affiliate - sign up on the NHZ site
Print off or order NHZ signs and display in your organization - and anywhere else that you get the okay!
interrupt CP when you see it (Stacie has many tips on that)
Contact the MFF if you'd like to get involved
peruse these sites: No Hit Zones; End Corporal Punishment; Stop Spanking
Donate to the Mahoney Family Fund to Support our educational outreach
Evaluation/Feedback Form
Links to sponsors